Patrick F. Taylor Foundation

Grant Progress Report Portal

Select one:

Your Project is Ongoing Your Project has Ended

Grant Progress Report Submission Requirements

Donation Type When to Submit What to Submit
One time donation of $5,000 or more Within 60 days after the end of the program
or the date specified in the award letter you received.
Click “Your Project Has Ended” above and complete the “End of Program Report”
Multi-Year Grant (Special Program) Within 60 days of each installment payment Click “Your Project is Ongoing” above and complete the “Interim Special Program Grant Renewal Report”
Within 60 days after the end of the Foundation’s funding cycle or the date specified in the award letter you received Click “Your Project Has Ended” above and complete the “End of Program Report”
Less than $5,000 N/A Not Required
For Event N/A Not Required